How Nutritious is Your Water?

Watch the FREE interview replay with water expert, Veda Austin, who will share a decade’s worth of water research.

Watch the Replay

Veda Austin is a New Zealand water researcher, author, artist and mother of three. For nearly a decade she has been photographing water in a ‘state of creation’, the state between liquid and ice that she believes is responsive to consciousness. Veda views this important phase from three perspectives. Scientifically, water is becoming a liquid crystal, artistically, water is free to design, and from a spiritual level, water enters a phase of fluidity between space and time, and is in a place of ‘becoming’.

This important discussion will include:

  • Importance of knowing water quality
  • Understanding what damages water
  • How to remediate your water



"Water is the rebel element, it won't conform to the laws of physics or gravity and it can't be killed. Without it there is no life. It reincarnates for all to see and science tells us it came to Earth from outer space. Rebellious, nonconformist, eternal and alien.....just look at the power we are filled with."

~ Veda Austin